Videos Page 682
The Return
1 mins, 26 secs
A parody of the French horror drama TV series Les Revenants. Directed by Tom Rourke and Adam McNicol.
12 Sketches In A London House - Bedroom
The home carer is doing her usual rounds. She just wants to help out, though it looks like might have accidentally signed up to something a little more full on...
The Aliens - Words of Wisdom
Antoine warns Lewis of the possible dangers of his identity.
Brian Pern - Poundland Polly
Footage of Brian Pern performing Poundland Polly on Top Of The Pops in 1993.
The Aliens - Episode 4 trailer
Lilyhot is forced to leave Troy. But will she give in?
Camping Trailer
A peek at some of the scenes from Camping. The series starts on the 12th April.
Flat TV - Naz's Stupid Inventions
A countdown of some of the stupider ideas Naz has had.
Ricky Gervais - Special Correspondents trailer
Here's the trailer for Special Correspondents, the new film from Ricky Gervais. The movie, which will be released exclusively on Netflix on the 29th April, follows the story of a struggling radio journalist (Eric Bana) and his hapless technician (Gervais) who begin to fake frontline war reports from a hideout in New York.
The Keith Lemon Sketch Show - Series 2 highlights
Here's 30 minutes of highlights from the second series of The Keith Lemon Sketch Show.