Videos Page 665
Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled - Stephen Fry talks about Charles and Diana coming for tea
Stephen Fry talks about the time Prince Charles and Princess Diana came around for tea, and Diana admitted to him that she likes Spitting Image.
Mock The Week - Unikely things to hear in hospital
The performers suggest things you would be unlikely to hear in hospital.
Fitting In With Football Fans
1 mins, 50 secs
A sketch about a man who wishes he could join in the football chat.
French & Saunders at Glamour Awards
Appearing at the Glamour Women of The Year Awards, Dawn French pays tribute to Jennifer Saunders, who was given the Outstanding Contribution prize.
Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie - The Legacy of Ab Fab
The key Ab Fab cast, plus some of the guest stars in the film, talk about the format.
1 mins, 47 secs
A sketch by Broken Toaster. Two 'friends' are watching The Snowman on TV. It's time to let social media know...
Can a foreigner steal your job?
4 mins, 11 secs
Piers Tumbleback finds out how easy it is for foreigners to steal jobs in the UK.
Seann Walsh has had a hard life
Seann Walsh explains how he has had a hard life. This is the video that opened his stand-up show 28.
K And The Gang - Let's Hear It For The Woy
3 mins, 24 secs
K And The Gang's song for the 2016 European Championship. It focuses around Roy Hodgson.
2016: Year Friends - Episode 5: May
The episode where Liam and Ellie get married and there's a bit where they're all standing on the steps throwing confetti.