Videos Page 651
Mock The Week - Things you wouldn't read in a romantic novel
3 mins
Mills & Boon are not going to publish any of this.
Mock The Week - Unlikely things for a sports commentator to say
2 mins, 46 secs
You shouldn't hear these things when tuned into sport on telly.
Full English Brexit
2 mins, 38 secs
Remember back to the evening of the 23rd June 2016... When everything looked OK for the UK... Before the chaos... Was Brexit just a nightmare?
Man Down - Series 3 outtakes
1 mins, 5 secs
Some scenes you won't see on television from the new series of Man Down.
When Quips Go Wrong
1 mins, 56 secs
A look back at how a quip involving the word 'chicken' went wrong.
Holly Walsh's Top Ten Reasons to Swipe Left
1 mins, 32 secs
Holly Walsh guides us through the often-murky world of online dating, weeding out the no-gos from thumb ring-wearers to too-old emoji fans. Join her in swiping left...
A rare Kenneth Williams interview
8 mins, 38 secs
A recently rediscovered interview with Kenneth Williams. He is on fine form as he talks about topics including the Carry Ons, and his then-current project, the Sherlock Holmes-spoof The Hound Of The Baskervilles.
Stephen K Amos cannot swim
5 mins, 55 secs
Stephen K Amos, performing in Australia, talks about the similarities between his life and that of Jesus, and how he cannot swim.