Videos Page 564
Taskmaster - Outtake: Greg Davies Loses His Temper
57 secs
In this clip from the final round which was cut from TV, we see Greg Davies once again having to call on his teacher authority to silence a rowdy audience.
Nigel Farage The Man With An Arsehole For A Face
2 mins, 25 secs
Think twice before crossing the ballot box. Just say no. It's what Nige would want.
A Hard Brexit
4 mins, 19 secs
A meeting to discuss the questions involved in the new post-Brexit compulsory British Citizenship Test.
Unspun With Matt Forde - Politicians Giving Their Real Opinions
3 mins, 47 secs
Here are some Politicians talking about their worst doorstep experiences, and more.
Already Dead
14 mins, 59 secs
Already Dead is a short documentary about recovering zombies. Fifteen years after a zombie outbreak (ZE Day) Zombies live among us, working 9-5 jobs, holidaying in Barbados and living 'life' to the fullest. A documentary crew have been given exclusive access to a group of Zombie's day-today 'lives'. But have we truly come to accept Zombies or are we still living in 2001?
Make It Count with Lolly Adefope and Paddy Delaney
3 mins, 21 secs
It only takes three minutes to watch this video by Lolly Adefope and Patrick Delaney. It only takes five seconds to mark an X on the ballot paper on June 8th.
Cassetteboy vs Theresa May
2 mins, 27 secs
Theresa May gives a speech. A mashup by editing team Cassetteboy.
Meet the priest who secretly worked for The Sun newspaper
3 mins, 29 secs
What really goes on behind the doors of Britain's most controversial paper?