Videos Page 486
War criminals dance
2 mins, 2 secs
When remembering your dance steps is harder than remembering world history...
Celebrity Juice - Johnny Vegas eats a whole block of butter
1 mins, 24 secs
This is hard to watch. Johnny Vegas wolfs down a massive block of butter!
Celebrity Juice - Shirley Ballas tells Johnny Vegas to shut up
1 mins, 21 secs
After Johnny Vegas starts ranting about Strictly, Shirley Ballas tells him to "shut the f**k up".
4G Or Not To... - On The Road
9 mins, 57 secs
Callum meets his new teammates for the first time, and all are not what he hoped for.
Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier - Joe Wilkinson walk in high heels
2 mins, 28 secs
Jon Richardson and Joe Wilkinson face the challenge of walking in high heels. Sara Pascoe is on hand for judgement/helpful tips.
Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier - Joe Wilkinson is not a good clapper
1 mins, 46 secs
Joe Wilkinson is worried he is clapping wrongly, and generally just not very good at it. He's come up with a solution to his problem though...
Taskmaster - Outtake: Greg Davies sabotages Alex Horne
45 secs
Alex Horne gets his words mixed up and Greg Davies sabotages his retake.
When - a dark comedy sketch
3 mins, 49 secs
This sketch by Sheps absolutely does not go where you'd expect... keep watching.
10 easy steps to write the perfect tweet
4 mins, 42 secs
Kat Sadler presents her ten easy steps to get your Twitter content a one way ticket to viral town.
Proposal Goes Badly Wrong
1 mins, 21 secs
Well this is awkward... things really don't go to plan for this man.