Videos Page 466
Slaughterhouse Rulez - Trailer
1 mins, 51 secs
School's a bloody nightmare! Slaughterhouse Rulez, only at cinemas this Halloween.
Comedy Central At The Comedy Store - Lee Nelson talks the birds and the bees
2 mins, 42 secs
Lee Nelson talks about, you know...
Hang Ups - Trailer
40 secs
Stephen Mangan plays Richard Pitt - an unconventional therapist trying to keep his life, and patients, from falling apart
Guiltless Smoothies
1 mins, 30 secs
Guiltless Smoothies say "Drink the juices and smoothies we've made, and know that we've done absolutely nothing to them that we feel guilty about."
Stath Lets Flats - Kirstie Allsopp partners up with Stath
3 mins, 24 secs
Property expert Kirstie Allsopp partners up with Stath to provide top letting tips.
QI - Cleverest Person In The Room - in 360 degrees
7 mins, 26 secs
Before the recording of every QI episode, Sandi plays a fiendish quiz with the audience to find out who is the Cleverest Person In The Room. Let us know how far you got in the comments! And please be careful if you're using 360 glasses!
Club 18-30
3 mins, 34 secs
A song from musical comedian Ant Dewson about the last year of Club 18-30 holidays. If you don't know what Club 18-30 is, it's like Love Island for spotty virgins.
Cuckoo - Greg Davies tests Taylor Lautner - Place names
4 mins, 29 secs
Has Taylor Lautner managed to learn the pronunciation of famous place names like Slough and Bicester during his time living in the UK?