Videos Page 379
If Brexit were a holiday deal
2 mins, 28 secs
Noah & Jordan imagine what Brexit would be like if was a holiday deal.
The Messenger
8 mins, 41 secs
With his current dole money frozen and an impending threat of having all his benefits taken from him, Frank is desperate for a get-rich-quick scheme. Opportunity comes in the most unusual of places when an awkward schoolboy enlists the help of Frank to help him break up with his girlfriend.
Taskmaster - Draw a portrait of Greg
2 mins, 50 secs
This week the contestants have to draw a portrait of Taskmaster, Greg Davies, across 16 pieces of A3 paper.
Music-Making Maestroclass with Woody Brown
3 mins, 43 secs
Iconic hitmaker Woody Brown reveals his tips, tricks and tropes for mixing, mastering, producing & production.
Fawlty Towers - Funny cos it's true!
2 mins, 10 secs
John Cleese being interviewed on Parkinson about the origins of Fawlty Towers.
My Neighbour Barbecued My Fence
4 mins, 57 secs
Tiger wants to work but just can't do what other people tell her to do. Her job search brings her to Tom's career advice session in a community centre. Together they decide to seize the day and do something they love.
Charlie from Stuttgart - Bang Titty
3 mins, 17 secs
Charlie from Stuttgart presents his song Bang Titty.
Paul Zerdin on Britain's Got Talent The Champions
5 mins, 30 secs
After taking America by storm, Paul Zerdin is back on home turf to take on the champions. However, it seems his little pal, Sam, is on a mission to steal the spotlight...
Lost Voice Guy on BGT Champions show
4 mins, 13 secs
Lost Voice Guy appears on Britain's Got Talent: The Champions.