Videos Page 358
8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown - Jimmy's festive joke for Rachel
4 mins, 23 secs
Some scenes from the festive edition of the panel show.
8 Out Of 10 Cats - Sweaty B******s Cocktails
4 mins, 22 secs
Some Christmas fun from the 8 Out Of 10 Cats gang.
Monty Python's Life Of Brian - Michael Palin's Super 8mm Film of Life of Brian
13 mins, 25 secs
Michael Palin's Super 8mm film from the Python's time writing and filming The Life of Brian in 1978.
Monty Python's Flying Circus - Michael Palin's Super 8mm Film of Flying Circus
8 mins, 56 secs
Michael Palin's Super 8mm film from 1971, when the Pythons were filming sketches for the 3rd series of "Monty Python's Flying Circus" in Jersey. With new commentary from Michael Palin himself (recorded in July 2019).
After Ever After - Prince Charming attempts a Hammer Time dance
1 mins
Prince Charming and Cinderella don't have the most traditional of first dances after their wedding.
QI - Dumbo's ears
1 mins, 33 secs
Sandi Toksvig asks the QI panel how big Dumbo's ears would have to be to enable him to fly, and then shows this to scale on a toy elephant.
Jonathan Pie meets HRH The Duke of Chesterton
8 mins, 12 secs
In an exclusive interview HRH The Duke of Chesterton talks about the rumours surrounding his personal conduct and his friendship with Sir Harry Carmichael.