Videos Page 351
Roast Battle - Series 4, Episode 4 highlights
3 mins, 40 secs
Masie Adam and Adam Rowe battle, and then Phil Wang and Fern Brady fight.
Pie And A Pint - Trump / Putin / Boris Johnson: F**k, Marry, Impeach?
9 mins, 51 secs
In these politically polarised times, maybe it's time for the Pie and a Pint comedians to come together and find one stance we can all agree on: which world leaders are most/least f**kable?
When You Work With A Grammar Fascist
2 mins, 56 secs
Sketch group Just These, Please say: "It's really impotent to make shore yew get you're grammar write. Tag a freind who always corrects people."
Simon's Cat - Lovestruck
2 mins, 56 secs
A lovestruck Cat tries to romance his Valentine but the naughty Kitten gets in the way!
Transaction - Liv invites herself to Tom's lads night out
5 mins, 45 secs
Liv confronts Tom for not inviting her to his upcoming party. Worse still, the party involves spicy food and everyone knows that interferes with Liv's love-making plans.
Frankie Boyle's Tour Of Scotland - Scotland is beautiful BECAUSE it rains
1 mins, 38 secs
Frankie Boyle arrives in Oban and travels across on to Mull discussing his favourite ferry journey.
Graham Norton's Opening BAFTA Monologue
6 mins, 15 secs
After having been introduced by Chabuddy G, Graham Norton kicks off the BAFTA awards with a comic opening monologue. Not all the stars in the audience appeared to find his gags funny.
The Last Leg - Adam Hills has his beard shaved off
6 mins, 21 secs
Adam Hills has his beard came off. And Tom Allen tries to report live from Westminster.