Videos Page 320
Roundheads and Cavaliers
12 mins, 24 secs
Alice is invited along to try historical reenactment for the first time, but finds herself caught between a Roundhead and a Cavalier in a battle for her affections.
Dun Breedin' - Episode One
14 mins, 17 secs
Meet Roo, Indy, Gigi, Susie and Wanda. Friends for over twenty years, they've been through the lot and are now facing menopause and all it's pitfalls. In this episode we get to know them... and Doll, the in-law no one would ever want to deal with!
The Room Next Door - Trump's Disinfectant Idea
3 mins, 38 secs
Press conference advisor Michael Spicer watches another afternoon briefing fall apart, despite intense preparation.
Webidate - Pete
2 mins, 50 secs
Luke's best friend, Pete, explains where Luke has been going wrong with dating - he's been himself. Much better to lie.
Fat Chat - David Jordan
5 mins, 16 secs
Desiree brings singer and comedian David Jordan to the diner to chat all things fat including; being mistaken for Hagrid from Harry Potter, favourite sexual position and how Father Christmas made fat people approachable.