Videos Page 1,536
Genius With Dave Gorman - The Chinstrap Pause Button
Guest Ian explains his genius idea for a 'chinstrap pause button' allowing you to pause a film the second you fall asleep!
Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow - Irish Airports
Michael McIntyre describes going through passport control at an Irish airport.
Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow - Global Recession
Tommy Tiernan talks about the global recession & the enormous amounts of money that everyone owes.
Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow - Head Teacher's Advice
Andrew Lawrence shares with us the advice his Head Teacher gave him at school.
Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow - CCTV Dance
Zoe Lyons describes her reaction to being captured on CCTV.
Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow - Irish V Italian
Keith Farnan describes the differences between Irish & Italian men.
QI - Spot The Neanderthal
How would you spot a neanderthal if one sat next to you on the bus?
Never Mind The Buzzcocks - Get your questions into #BuzzcocksQT
Buzzcocks is back and they need your help. Phill and Noel want your music questions to debate and clarify. Sharing's caring!
Whites - Creating Magical New Dishes
Bib has an unusual suggestion for a new dish for the menu, much to the delight and amusement of Roland and the rest of the team who offer additional dishes, more and more ridiculous. That is until Kiki has a go.
Whites - Shay Marshall Flirts With Caroline
Shay Marshall flirts with Caroline, much to the irritation of Roland who seems more than a little put out about the young chefs' arrival.