Videos Page 15
Murder For Dummies - Victim
22 mins, 41 secs
Keith Flapp made ventriloquism more popular than the Spice Girls - until he was murdered in his West End dressing room, and his iconic dummy Fungo was stolen. But the people who actually knew Keith were never quite as fond of him...
JFK and Marilyn Monroe - First Dates Of History
7 mins, 29 secs
President John F Kennedy and Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe meet for the first time. JFK was famously an out-of-control addict. So will he be able to contain his desires for Hollywood's biggest sex symbol?
Conservative leadership contest chaos - Broken News
2 mins, 28 secs
We're down to the final stages of the Conservative leadership contest - it's all going VERY WELL. Broken News brings you bang-up-to-date.
Timestalker interview
9 mins, 42 secs
Writer-director-star Alice Lowe and actors Aneurin Barnard and Nick Frost sit down with Picturehouse to talk about all things Timestalker.
Time Travel Is Dangerous - Teaser Trailer
58 secs
Best friends Ruth and Megan run a vintage bric-a-brac shop in London. Stumbling across a time machine, they embark on trips to the past to stock their emporium with quirky artefacts with no idea of the irreparable damage they're causing to the fabric of the universe.
Members Club - Trailer
1 mins, 48 secs
Trailer for the British horror comedy Members Club, about a middle-aged male stripper group who become tangled up in a plot to raise a murderous 16th century witch from the dead. Available on digital platforms from 21st October.
Secrets Of A Wallaby Boy - Trailer
1 mins, 35 secs
When Tim becomes a courier for the app Wallaby, he reckons he can turn his life around: get fit, earn some money, and even get laid. He's not accounted for his own haplessness, an antique teapot collection, and a sinister conspiracy.
Dating Horror Stories - Inside Outish
3 mins, 3 secs
Waiting for her hot date to arrive, Kyrah's inner thoughts: Anxiety, Pick Me, Ick and South London threaten to sabotage her evening by overthinking everything...
A Fistful Of Free Speech - Episode 1
10 mins, 34 secs
A Fistful Of Free Speech with Zeb Purcell kicks off with a bang as Zeb interviews [name redacted], a controversial men's rights activist. But when tensions escalate and a joke crosses the line, is the podcast headed for disaster before it even gets off the ground...?