Videos Page 1,468
QI - The Great Disappointment
Worried about the Rapture? Don't worry - people have been worrying about it since the 19th century and it still hasn't happened.
BBC New Comedy Awards - The Newcastle Heat
Some highlights from the Newcastle heat of the New Comedy Award 2011, recorded at the Hyena Comedy Club on 10 May 2011.
This video features (in appearance order): Kevin McDermott, Tez Ilyas, Jessica Fostekew, Peter Otway, Sam Chaplin, Ben Lowes-Smith, Kai Humphries, Alfie Joey (judge), Nick Horseman & Louis Fonseca (as Horse & Louis).
Al Murray's Compete For The Meat - Compete for the Meat - Al meets the teams
The Pub Landlord seems inexplicably drawn towards a team called the Welsh Babes.
Psychoville - Hattie's Lock-up
Hattie's plan to keep Shahrouz safe from the authorities is revealed...
Psychoville - David's Break In
David breaks into Sunnyvale Rest Home to perform his latest murder.
Ideal - Tanya's Been Robbing
An out of breath Tanya is greeted at the door by Colin and Moz. She has been pilfering at a new shop called 'Bag Lady'. It's only when Psycho Paul arrives with Cartoon Head that things take a turn for the worse.
Ideal - Jenny's New Job
A heartbroken Moz is trying to win back the love of his life Jenny. So he is more than a little surprised when she arrives with PC as a Community Support Officer!
Al Murray's Compete For The Meat - Meal Or No Meal
Who will win the frozen chicken?
BBC New Comedy Awards - Glasgow Heat
Some highlights from the Glasgow heat of the New Comedy Award 2011, recorded at the Glasgow Highlight on 9th May 2011.
This video features (in appearance order): Davey Connor, Lewis Charlesworth, Matthew Winning, Richard Hanrahan, Asim Ali, Susan Calman (judge), Michael J Dolan.
Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle - Russell Brand's Wedding
Stewart Lee and Nick Pynn perform the song Russell Brand's Wedding.