Videos Page 1,455
A Cock And Bull Story - A Cock & Bull Story - Trailer
A trailer for the movie.
Marek Larwood interviews Greg Davies
Marek Larwood interviews Fosters Award nominee and We are Klang colleague Greg Davies about his experiences of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Lee Mack's All Star Cast - Lee Mack IS Joan Collins
With help from Ross Noble and two wigs, Lee Mack challenges Joan Collins to guess whether their recreation of a Dynasty style scene is real or fake.
The Maestro
In 1824, conductor Michael Umlauf prepared to perform Beethoven's 9th Symphony for its premiere - however he had worries about one of Beethoven's new musical innovations...
Mock The Week - Is Man Flu Real?
Dara O'Briain and guests talk about the proof behind Man Flu.
Show Me The Funny - Jason Manford - Daybreak Interview
Jason Manford appears on morning chat show Daybreak to talk about Show Me The Funny, his search for a new stand-up star.
Chris Moyles Quiz Night - Morris Dancing Trailer
A trailer to promote Chris Moyles' Quiz Night, which returns to Channel 4 for a fourth series.
The Revolution Will Be Televised - News Of The Screwed
Heydon Prowse and Chris Atkins don their grubby macs and cheap trilbies to set out to expose the evil doers at The News Of The World. They root through Andy Coulson's bin, attempt to bribe police officers and try to get Rupert Murdoch arrested. (The video was made by Heydon Prowse before The Revolution Will Be Televised was commissioned, and before the newspaper folded)
Lee Mack's All Star Cast - 15 Seconds Of Fame With Lee Mack
Lee Mack gives his audience a once in a lifetime opportunity to have their 15 seconds of fame.