Videos Page 1,415
Mongrels - Mongrelling
The new internet craze which has yet to take off... Download and print your masks, then send us your photos. What are you waiting for? Get Mongrelling!
PhoneShop - Training Day
Things are going from bad to worse for everybody in the shop this week...
The Rubberbandits - Black Man
The full music video for Black Man, the song in which The Rubberbandits express their desire to find a black man to join their gang.
Mongrels - Marion and the Bin Lady
Marion is brutally dumped in a wheelie bin? Who would do such a thing to an innocent cat?
Mongrels - Natasha Hamilton's Chiuaua
Natasha Hamilton of Atomic Kitten fame has more than just lip gloss in her handbag...
Mongrels - Kali Joins A Gang
Kali finds joining a gang more difficult than she expected...
Mongrels - When Scott Mills Met A Chimp
Scott Mills meets a chimp with a very unusual habit.
Mongrels - I'm Gonna Murder Justin Bieber
A depressed chimp sings about wanting to murder Justin Bieber.
Dave's One Night Stand - Tim Vine - One Night Stand opening
The opening quick fire gags from Tim Vine's appearance on Dave's One Night Stand.
Dave's One Night Stand - Tim Vine - Quick Jokes
Tim Vine delivers some quick jokes on a range of topics.