Who Is Tom Allen?
- TV comedy
- E4
- 2008
- 1 pilot
E4 pilot in which socially awkward Tom Allen goes on a quest to see if there is a social group he fits into. Stars Tom Allen.
Key details
Tom Allen has never fitted in. So this comedy investigation sees him on a quest to see if there is a social tribe to which he could belong. Could he perhaps be one of the lads? Probably not... He's the urbane, witty, sensitive type. We see him chatting to blokes down the pub and interrogating modern men in the park; watching, interacting and occasionally trying to emulate something society calls a man.
Additional details
- Part of
- Production
- Studio
- Picture
- Colour
Broadcast details
- First broadcast
- Thursday 28th August 2008 at 11:40pm on E4
- Episode length
- 15 minutes