TV preview clips Page 76
The Graham Norton Show - Romesh Ranganathan's mum loves being famous
1 mins, 54 secs
Romesh Ranganathan tells Graham about how his mum loves telling people about her famous son.
The Jonathan Ross Show - Michael McIntyre talks about urinals
2 mins, 58 secs
Michael McIntyre retells his strange socially distanced visit to the urinals.
Taskmaster - Outtake: Greg's Moment of Insanity
32 secs
Greg Davies fumbles his words and loses his marbles.
Spitting Image - Boris Johnson fires Dominic Cummings
2 mins, 14 secs
Boris Johnson fires Dominic Cummings as he is being blue-balled.
Taskmaster - Richard Herring interviews Alex Horne
7 mins, 46 secs
Richard Herring and Alex Horne chat about throwing up in sinks, pissing off Flight Of The Concords comedian Rhys Darby and Richard's lovely wife who Alex hates.
There's Something About Movies - Frost versus Nixon
1 mins, 58 secs
Michael Sheen and Rob Beckett recreate Frost/Nixon.
There's Something About Movies - Joanna Lumley on auditioning for Ab Fab
48 secs
Joanna Lumley describes her audition for Ab Fab and how she thought Jennifer Saunders hated her.
The Goes Wrong Show - Children In Need sketch
4 mins, 35 secs
The Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society perform a romantic dinner scene... with a few barely noticeable coronavirus safety measures in place.
The Jonathan Ross Show - Tom Allen on writing his new book
6 mins, 28 secs
Tom Allen discusses his new book and shares some stories from the memoir.
The Jonathan Ross Show - Gbemisola Ikumelo on her 'silly' BAFTA sketch
2 mins, 34 secs
Gbemisola Ikumelo didn't think anyone was really going to see her pre-recorded BAFTA speech...