TV preview clips Page 608
Watson & Oliver - Series 2 Preview
A sneak peek at the second series of the sketch show...
The Job Lot - Meet Karl
Meet Karl, the Job Centre worker who is fed up with the direction his life has taken.
The Job Lot - Meet Trish
Meet Trish, the manager of the Job Centre, who faces a daily struggle to, well, manage.
Youngers - Hood video
Jay's got a plan to spread the Youngers message.
Youngers - Awkward
Thing are a bit awkward with Yems, Davina... and Yemi's mum.
Youngers - Mandem on the Wall Extra: Mandem Vs Ricky Rap Battle
We bet you didn't know Ricky - who plays Jay's pops, Clint - could MC, right? He's pretty sick actually. Mandem still reckon they can battle him though. See if Baker has got what it takes to burn an older on the mic.
Plebs - Episode 5 trailer
30 secs
A trailer for the fifth episode of Plebs... featuring a banana, aka a 'bananae'.
Sweat The Small Stuff - Baby?!?!
Nick Grimshaw meets a baby in this trailer.
Not Going Out - Maybe she used to be a man...
Lee, Lucy and Daisy speculate about a fellow cable car passenger.
The Job Lot - Preview Clip
Various clips from new ITV sitcom The Job Lot.