TV preview clips Page 575
I Love My Country - Episode 1 preview
The faces of two celebrities are fused together, can the teams identify them?
Live At The Electric - Wittank presents The School: A Porky Arrival
Arguments break out when the headmaster buys a piglet.
Live At The Electric - Games with Mini-Russell
Have you forgotten about one of the best free buzzes?
That Puppet Game Show - Meet Udders McGhee and Clyde the Crab
An interview with the top boss, and the guy at the bottom of the career ladder too.
That Puppet Game Show - Meet Amber O'Neill and Eddie Watts
Amber O'Neill and Eddie Watts explain their backgrounds.
That Puppet Game Show - Meet Jake Hamilton-Jones and Mancie O'Neill
Jake Hamilton-Jones and Mancie O'Neill talk about their roles on the show.
That Puppet Game Show - Meet Jemima Taptackle and Dr Strabismus
An interview with Jemima Taptackle and Dr Strabismus, two of the experts on the show.
That Puppet Game Show - Meet The Amazing Ian
The Amazing Ian is a confident fellow.
That Puppet Game Show - Meet Dougie Colon
Meet the friendly host of That Puppet Gameshow.
QI - John Lloyd interview
John Lloyd talks to BBC Breakfast about his various TV shows, starring with QI.