TV preview clips Page 440
Episodes - Series 3 outtakes
2 mins, 18 secs
Not everything went smoothly when they filmed the third series.
Not The Nine O'Clock News - Rolf Harris Sketch
This Not The Nine O'Clock News sketch about Rolf Harris has, somewhat unfortunately, taken on a slightly darker tone following the entertainer's conviction.
CTRL Freaks - Excruciating interview with Scott Mills
Wannabe presenter Adam is challenged to host an excruciating interview with Scott Mills.
CTRL Freaks - Meet the contestants - Adam
Adam wants to become a TV presenter. This isn't really what he had in mind...
CTRL Freaks - Meet the contestants - Greg
Greg's a comedian, but there's nothing funny about these moves..
Friday Night Dinner - He's Got a Tattoo
Adam does an extremely good job of keeping a secret...
Friday Night Dinner - We Were Just Making Love
Finding out about the sexual habits of your parents is always a treat!
Almost Royal - Georgie & Poppy introduce themselves
The BBC America trailer for Almost Royal.
Badults - The Tax Inspection
HMRC are knocking on the doors at Carabine Promotions, and Mr Carabine isn't hanging around for the discussion.
Sean Lock: Purple Van Man - Banter In The Home
Sean Lock thinks there's a lack of banter in the domestic environment. His wife is not so keen though.