TV preview clips Page 436
Rude Boys - Don't Shoot!
Jazzie is in the firing line when Nelson turns up at the party.
Parents' Evening - Confiscated phone
Two concerned parents try to get to the bottom of why their sons iPhone was confiscated.
OtherwOrld - Panda Love
A glimpse into the lives of the pandas in the Panda Breeding Programme on Other World.
Vodka Diaries - Cigarettes
2 mins, 33 secs
Holly tells Nic not to give cigaretts to her little brother.
Fried - Give me some McNuggets
Joe gets a difficult customer during the last shift of the day.
In Deep - Show me some action!
Jimmy is tired of boring police work and hopes for a big murder case.
Flat TV - Flat News
The latest news from Tom and Naz's flat, including a new letter of complaint from their neighbour.
Josh - The pub quiz
Josh has to team up with his Rachel-Stevens-obesessed landlord in the pub quiz.
The Mimic - Orgy with David Attenborough
Martin, David Attenborough, Bill Nighy, Ian McKellen and Ronnie Corbett have an orgy.
Not In Front Of The Children DVD Trailer
Trailer for the complete surviving Not In Front Of The Children collection, starring Wendy Craig.