TV preview clips Page 390
Brian Pern - Episode 1 - Deleted Scenes
Scenes that wouldn't fit on TV. Brian shows us around Poggle studios, meets Martin Freeman, and he argues with the police.
Brian Pern - Stowe Boys
Brian Pern doesn't like Martin Freeman's portrayal of him in the Stowe Boys musical.
Brian Pern - Pat and the Patios - Christmas In Me Car
Pat Quid goes solo for his festive hit Christmas in Me Car.
Brian Pern - I Wish I Was At Home With Me Missus
Brian Pern's solo Christmas hit from 1983 set in the WW1 trenches.
Bob Servant - Frank's stag party
Frank organises a balloon game for his stag party but Bob's reluctant to take part.
Bob Servant, best man
Bob reveals his plans for a grand entrance at Dorothy and Frank's wedding.
Bob Servant - Megan takes the stand
Bob questions Megan, but it's a dinner date that interests him more than her evidence.
Bob Servant - Frank attempts to influence the jury
Frank delivers Bob's message to the jury - but will his offer be accepted?
Sweat The Small Stuff - Melvin's Bum Deal
Melvin has a shock for the teams when he asks Doctor Christian to take a look at something.
Sweat The Small Stuff - Doctor Christian's Embarrassing Body
Dr Christian Jessen reveals why it would be a mistake to let him use your bathroom.