TV preview clips Page 331
Channel 4's Alternative Election Night - A Vote Is Dope
A song with a message.
The Last Leg - Royal Baby Princess Charlotte
Earlier in the week, the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. Adam was excited, whereas Alex and Josh...
The Last Leg - Muhammad Drawing Contest
Adam raises the topic of the shooting in Texas, where a contest was taking place to draw Muhammad. Needless to say Adam has some views to share!
The Last Leg - Alex Brooker Finally Votes!
After months of being convinced, the day has come for Alex Brooker to vote for the very first time.
The Vote - Trailer
Catherine Tate, Mark Gatiss, Nina Sosanya and Judi Dench star in James Graham's play, set in a polling station and broadcast live fron the Donmar Warehouse at the time when the action is set.
Car Share - Shamazing Beyoncé
Kayleigh is excitedly telling John about the previous night's events after seeing Beyonce at the arena.
Murder In Successville - Greg James calls Sleet's ex wife
Sleet calls his ex wife only to find another man at the end of the phone. Greg then has to play along so as not to give the game away.
Murder In Successville - Greg James handles a hostage situation
Sleet takes the role of a Mexican Gangster as he puts Greg James through his paces, in a hostage situation.
No Offence - The Shortlist
D.C. Joy Freers and D.C. Dinah Kowalska have both been called into D.I. Deering's office.