TV preview clips Page 232
Class Dismissed - The Boardroom
The teams have been summoned to Mr Windlow's boardroom-style classroom about the cake sale task he set them. Have they made enough profit to impress him?
Virtually Famous - Scottish Slang
Kevin attempts to learn the Scottish slang with help from Sharon Rooney.
Drunk History - Scott of the Antartic
A wasted Iain Stirling slurs his way through the story of Scott of the Antarctic (featuring Mathew Horne and Catherine Tate).
Drunk History - The Titanic is sinking
Chris Ramsey explains what happened as the Titanic was sinking.
Drunk History - The Titanic captain is interviewed
Chris Ramsey, telling the story of the Titanic, explains how the captain was interviewed.
Fresh Meat - Series 4 trailer
A look ahead at what will be coming up in the final series of Fresh Meat.
Class Dismissed - Ofsted Inspection
Ofsted have come to inspect Dockbridge High. Will the school pass with flying colours?
Class Dismissed - Classroom Doodles
A livid Mrs Mark soon changes her tune when she finds out who drew the unflattering picture of her.
Millie Inbetween - Series 2, Episode 11 preview
It's chaos in the house as Craig shows Jake his ways - and it results in a trashed room!
Tracey Ullman's Show - Glam Pam
Pam has some style tips courtesy of Beyoncé.