TV preview clips Page 150
How The Young Ones Changed Comedy - Trailer
50 secs
A documentary that combines archive footage with revelations from many of the stars who were involved both in front of and behind the camera.
Celebrity Juice - Johnny Vegas eats a whole block of butter
1 mins, 24 secs
This is hard to watch. Johnny Vegas wolfs down a massive block of butter!
Celebrity Juice - Shirley Ballas tells Johnny Vegas to shut up
1 mins, 21 secs
After Johnny Vegas starts ranting about Strictly, Shirley Ballas tells him to "shut the f**k up".
Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier - Joe Wilkinson walk in high heels
2 mins, 28 secs
Jon Richardson and Joe Wilkinson face the challenge of walking in high heels. Sara Pascoe is on hand for judgement/helpful tips.
Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier - Joe Wilkinson is not a good clapper
1 mins, 46 secs
Joe Wilkinson is worried he is clapping wrongly, and generally just not very good at it. He's come up with a solution to his problem though...
Taskmaster - Outtake: Greg Davies sabotages Alex Horne
45 secs
Alex Horne gets his words mixed up and Greg Davies sabotages his retake.
The Horne Section Television Programme - Trailer
48 secs
Alex Horne and his band present two hours of comedy and music.
Taskmaster - Make Something Spin For The Longest
2 mins, 55 secs
The contestants have to make something spin for the longest. The thing cannot be a person.
All Round To Mrs. Brown's - Series 2 Trailer
20 secs
Agnes invites you back to her house for more frenetic and archaic fun.
Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier - Jon Richardson interview
7 mins, 35 secs
We asked Jon Richardson (the Ultimate Worrier) some of life's biggest questions. Like, what he'd worry about if he were Donald Trump? Or what he'd worry about if he were holidaying in Russia? And if you've always wanted to know what Jon thinks of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, then have a watch here...