Up Yer Festival
- TV stand-up
- Galaxy
- 1990
- 10 episodes (1 series)
A showcase of acts performing at the 1990 Edinburgh Festival.
Key details
- Genre
- Stand-Up
- Broadcast
- 1990
- Channel
- Galaxy
- Episodes
- 10 (1 series)
- Writers
- John O'Farrell, Stuart Silver and Malcolm Williamson
- Directors
- Bill Morton and Tom Poole
- Producers
- Miles Ross, Rory Sheehan, Paul Spencer and Richard Hearsey
- Company
A daily showcase from the 1990 Edinburgh Festival. Each episode is hosted by a different stand-up comedian, who introduces various acts on to the stage.
Additional details
- Production
- Event
- Camera set-up
- Multi-camera
- Picture
- Colour