About Toyboize
Toyboize is an internet mockumentary series from sketch group Navelgazing that has transferred to TV via Channel Dave. It follows the attempts of a group of has-been child stars attempting to resurrect their band. Here is the supposed back story...
The Backstory

The Toyboize were formed in February 1988 by Scottish pop svengali Rab Morrison who came up with the idea whilst relaxing on holiday in Sri Lanka.
Hot on the heels of his brief success with shortlived Glaswegian trio 'Boys Next Door', Rab had an inkling that the world was ready for a talented child pop act. After appearing as a judge on TV's New Faces he recruited 12 year old singer/songwriter duo Reece Phillips and Tim Hughes. Martin Power was spotted breakdancing on breakfast TV whilst JP Lambert and Nicky Naylor were found through a rigorous nationwide talent search.
The resulting line up was christened the Toyboize. After a period of writing and rehearsal the Toyboize released their first single 'Sherbet Dip' in June which struggled to make an impact but hinted at the promise of what was to come. In late October their second single 'I Like U Girl' reached number 2 in the charts and it is this catchy pop classic that most people remember them for. Their album 'We Like You Girl' was a big smash, reaching number 3 in the charts at its peak.
Never one to miss an opportunity to satisfy an adoring public, Rab rushed a seasonal Christmas album into production ('A Very Toyboize Christmas') and this LP saw them register a second chart album hit in as many months.
Unfortunately for the "boize" they were unable to replicate such levels of success in 1989 as they struggled to compete with Bros and New Kids On The Block. Most of the group knew they had outgrown their roles as child stars and felt it would be best to call it a day. The group were pleased, however, that Reece had decided to stick at the music and have watched on with delight as he has carved himself a career as an international pop star.
Almost 20 years on, with the public clamouring for an encore, the other four Toyboize have decided to step back into the spotlight...