There She Goes
- TV comedy drama
- BBC Two / BBC Four
- 2018 - 2023
- 11 episodes (2 series)
Comedy drama about a family whose daughter has severe learning disabilities. Stars Miley Locke, David Tennant, Jessica Hynes, Edan Hayhurst, Yasmine Akram and more.
Press clippings Page 5
A trip to the local pool doesn't go well, and there's a mystery to be solved after Rosie keeps tapping out "onetwoman" on her communication device, leading to the question: what does Rosie want? ("I think most psychologists would go for Mini Cheddars," suggests Simon.) Can her iPad history reveal any clues?
Ali Catterall, The Guardian, 30th October 2018There She Goes is a triumph, itch-lousy with one-liners, heartache, bathos, curses and much spilt milk, as far from mawkish as, say, David Sedaris is from the language of Hallmark cards.
Shaun Pye's new sitcom exploring his own experiences/trials with his daughter, born with an undiagnosed chromosomal disorder, was gutsily and refreshingly honest, as befits someone who writes for Frankie Boyle (he was also Ricky Gervais's thespy nemesis in Extras). His lines, as delivered by David Tennant and Jessica Hynes - we all knew Tennant could do comedy; few suspected Hynes could do serious: she's a revelation - manage to be both bitter, frustrated, loving to the ends of the Earth and very and occasionally filthily funny. Tennant's Simon can't smack Rosie (Miley Locke), though she is battering an endless hole in the wall with the door handle - seriously, determinedly, rhythmically; it's better than most X-Factor finals. He takes it out on her favourite toy, a hippo, and, my, there's anger there, the beseeching "be normal" anger of a parent of course but, given Rosie's problems, it's like watching an overtuned Stradivarius, one ratchet suddenly turned too tight, and everything will collapse in a welter of discord and broken spruce.
They survive. As people do. They seek advice: most of it, as ever, simplistic and blindingly obvious, to the extent that one sometimes wonders whether the authorities are actually pleased that families might have brains of their own, or are in fact repelled by the very concept. It's a glorious watch.
Euan Ferguson, The Guardian, 21st October 2018There She Goes review
It would be better if Rosie wasn't the only profoundly learning disabled character we see in a TV drama, and if next time there was more consideration of the feelings of learning disabled people and perhaps their greater involvement.
Saskia Baron, The Arts Desk, 17th October 2018Reviews: There She Goes; This Country
A TV show can be written with the best of intentions, made with love, commitment and an all-star cast, and yet sometimes this isn't enough.
Rachel Cooke, The New Statesman, 17th October 2018There She Goes review
Unsentimental, honest, well-written comedy drama.
Louisa Mellor, Den Of Geek, 16th October 2018"Dad, Mum wants you - Rosie's hidden another poo." David Tennant and Jessica Hynes are the loving if beleaguered parents of a nine-year-old with severe learning disabilities, in this new series. It is drawn from the real-life experiences of its creator Shaun Pye, whose daughter was born in 2006 with a rare, undiagnosed chromosomal disorder. Although this is billed as a comedy-drama, the laughs are, like the aforementioned poo, rather deftly concealed amid the tough, very affecting subject matter and performances.
Ali Catterall, The Guardian, 16th October 2018David Tennant - There She Goes interview
The Doctor Who actor plays the father of a child with a disability in a new comedy drama for BBC4.
Michael Hodges, Radio Times, 16th October 2018There She Goes review
David Tennant shines bright and believable as the flawed father of a daughter with a disability.
Ben Dowell, Radio Times, 16th October 2018There She Goes is funnier than it has any right to be
The ups and downs of life with a special needs child.
Abby Robinson, Digital Spy, 16th October 2018There She Goes, episode one review
The series doesn't slot easily into any given category, such as comedy, biopic, tragicomedy or drama, but that tends to make it the more intriguing and rewarding as a result.
Sean O'Grady, The Independent, 16th October 2018