Hugh Skinner and Richard Goulding interview

Hugh Skinner and Richard Goulding, aka Prince William and Prince Harry in The Windsors, talk about their Christmas plans...
As everyone knows, Christmas is really all about TV. What's your programme all about this Christmas, and why should people watch it?
Hugh: It's about our versions of The Windsors pulling together as a family and surviving Christmas at Sandringham. If you enjoyed The Crown on Netflix but felt it could've been Christmasier, boy are you in luck!
Richard: It's about how Christmas brings (Royal) families together, causes chaos, breaks hearts and then mends them. And nearly causes the end of the world. But then doesn't. Pretty standard really. People should watch it because it's hilarious.
What sort of things do you watch at Christmas?
Hugh: Last year we watched Whiplash which soundtracked the tension nicely, and then Birdman to have a laugh at someone else going mad.
Richard: Carols from King's. The Queen's speech. Morecambe & Wise. My waist line.
How do you normally spend the Christmas break?
Hugh: In quiet contemplation.
Richard: Sleeping. Eating. Drinking. Fighting. Doesn't everyone?
Do you have any family traditions?
Hugh: Loaded silences.
Richard: Getting the wonkiest Christmas tree we can find. Climbing mountains on Boxing Day. Bananagrams.
What's your Christmas tipple of choice?
Richard: Anything. But sloe gin is always good. Or cherry brandy.

What are the most memorable presents you've received?
Richard: I remember getting a Nintendo Gameboy when I was 10. I felt like I had come of age and that it would change my life. It didn't. Recently I seem to get a lot of scarves. Perhaps it's another coming of age in a different way. Or perhaps people just don't like looking at my neck. I like scarves though.
What's your favourite thing about Christmas?
Hugh: You get to eat better quality Cheese and watch the film Elf.
Richard: Whisky. Family. Cold outside, warm inside.
What's your least favourite thing about Christmas?
Hugh: People trying to hoodwink you into going to church, like it's a fun idea you've never thought of before.
Richard: It doesn't snow any more.
What will you be asking Santa for this year?
Hugh: A ride in his sleigh / An audience with the great man himself.
Richard: To wake up in 2017 and realise that only some of 2016 actually happened.