The Crystal Cube
- TV sketch show
- BBC Two
- 1983
- 1 pilot
Mockumentary science show pilot, featuring one of the earliest TV appearances from Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie. Stars Robbie Coltrane, Arthur Bostrom, Fanny Carby, Roy Heather, John Savident and more.
The Crystal Cube - Part 3
The third part of Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie's 1983 mockumentary pilot.
Featuring: Arthur Bostrom (Gareth Gamma 0001), Fanny Carby (Mrs. Gamma 0001), Robbie Coltrane (Martin Bealey), Stephen Fry (Dr. Adrian Cowlacey and other parts), Roy Heather (Mr. Gamma 0001), Hugh Laurie (Max Belhaven and other parts), John Savident (The Bishop of Horley, The Very Reverend Previous Lockhort), Paul Shearer (Mike Liam) & Emma Thompson (Jackie Meld and other parts).