Some Girls
- TV sitcom
- BBC Three
- 2012 - 2014
- 18 episodes (3 series)
Comedy about four 16-year-old female best-friends struggling through life, love, family and school. Stars Adelayo Adedayo, Natasha Jonas, Mandeep Dhillon, Alice Felgate, Dolly Wells and more.
Character guide

The series is seen through the eyes of Viva. She is perhaps more serious than the other three. She's a girl who wants to move up in the world. She is very responsible towards her friends; she cares about their well-being and has a nurturing side. She's sensible and very highly motivated to do well at school, go to university and have a career.
Her relationship with single mother Mel - who hangs round the estate all day along with her baby - is a great incentive to Viva to stay focussed on her ambitions. She lives with her fireman father and his girlfriend - who also happens to be Viva's "stupid Nazi football coach".

Holli is Viva's best mate, and her violent, entertaining outbursts are legendary. She has no respect for school and has often been in trouble. Her Dad is in prison and her Mum is permanently depressed, so Holli pretty much takes care of all her younger siblings, Porschea, Prada, Louis V and Armani.
However when she's with her mates she is very different - she is wild and quick-tempered. She has a volatile relationship with Saz in particular but would fiercely defend her against outsiders because she is always loyal to her friends.
This different side of Holli becomes particularly visible when her romantic life becomes complicated.
Despite her trouble-maker reputation, Holli has a close relationship with headteacher Mr Jefferies, who has helped her through many difficult school situations.

Saz comes from a strict Sikh family. She finds her home life quite repressive and is not interested in her parents' religion.
Often feeling angry at the world, Saz is feisty, clever and quick-witted. She can become frustrated and often uses sarcasm to cope with difficult situations, and when those around her don't match up to her expectations - though she's not always aware how offensive her scornfulness can be.
She has a tough exterior but underneath is quite insecure. Part of her really wants to fit in and be popular at school but she knows that will never happen. Deep down she feels like a misfit, and worries that no boys will ever like her.
She enjoys winding up Holli, but the friendship group means a lot more to her than she could admit.

Amber is one of Viva's oldest friends. She is often in a world of her own. The other three think of her as rather stupid but in fact she's just an extremely dreamy girl who needs things expressed loud and clear.
During the series she has boyfriends and is involved in sexual relationships. This is a source of great fascination and entertainment to her three friends.
Amber comes across as rather loud and larger than life due to her slightly simple nature, but she's really quite an emotional, gentle and insecure soul.

Anna Hitchcock
Anna is a New Zealander. She's Viva's stepmother and also happens to be her sadistic PE teacher. She's a bit of a loon and whilst she can seem like a total cow, deep down she has a pretty good heart.
She's completely un-selfconscious and says the most ridiculous things while taking herself and her job extremely seriously. She's a terrible role model for the kids, too.
Her relationship with Rob is the most redeeming part of Anna. She really loves him and massively fancies him. With Rob, Anna lets her guard down and is almost likeable.
Her relationship with Viva is altogether more complex. They'd both love the other to accept them but they're both very proud and would hate to be rejected or show each other their vulnerable side.

Rob is Viva's father and he's going out with Anna. He's a big, strong fireman who can easily deal with danger, but when it comes to Anna, he's a pussycat in her hands. Although that's mainly down to her "weird New Zealand sex voodoo".

Rocky is a cheeky charmer. He's not one of the school's brightest pupils by quite a long way, but, as a reformed 'bad boy', his heart is in the right place.
With a life dream to either open his own pie shop or be a matador, he's not an obvious match for brain-box Viva, but he falls for her rather hard, and is keen to show his feelings with sex. Lots and lots of sex. Coming from a background where his parents have been mostly absent, he is very drawn to the stability of Viva's home life.
She "really, really" likes him too - in fact all of the girls enjoy his kindness and sweet nature - but soon Viva finds his charms a little intense... Will she break his heart?

Mr. Jeffries (Series 1-2)
Mr. Jeffries is one of the senior teachers at the school.
He runs the senior choir, of which both Viva and Amber are members, and organises pastoral care.
Mr. Jeffries likes to think of himself as no-nonsense, but can be easily manipulated with the right leverage - particularly Holli's knowledge of his boyfriend.

Brandon (Series 1-2)
Brandon is Amber's long-term on-off boyfriend. He has genuine deep feelings for her, but lacks any semblance of maturity and is all-too-often a slave to his penis.
None-too-bright, he doesn't give too many thoughts to the feelings of Amber, or indeed anyone else. She knows he's bad news but finds herself constantly drawn back to him, and vice versa.

Tyler Blaine (Series 2)
Head boy Tyler Blaine is the unofficial King of Greenshoots Academy. Fancied by many of the students - both male and female - and even by Miss Hitchcock, Tyler is hugely self-assured and arrogant.
Driven and ambitious, he has already spearheaded a project to build a school in Gambia, something he never fails to make sure people are aware of.

Mel (Series 1)
Mel's an old friend and former team-mate of the girls. She's now a single mum and largely a loner, having fallen pregnant aged just 16 and left the school.