Ellie White interview

Ellie White talks about playing 'champagne hippy' April.
What can you tell us about Semi-Detached?
It's a very funny comedy show about a man called Stuart and his chaotic family. Every episode plays out in real time, over the course of half an hour. It's basically Lee Mack having a breakdown every week - what's not to love there?
What appealed to you about the series?
A very funny script, Lee Mack playing the lead (he's a laugh, isn't he?) and the chance to hold a very sweet baby without having any real responsibility for it.
How would you describe your character?
April is a posh hippy - maybe the worst kind of hippy - a champagne hippy if you will. She loves yoga and meditation but she prefers them if they're conducted in very expensive spas.

Does filming in real-time present any challenges?
You have to do a lot of takes to get every possible angle so you can cut it together properly. That sometimes can test your patience but everyone was so great and funny I enjoyed watching bits again and again.
In the first episode of the series, Stuart and April's relationship is different to when we last saw them, can you tell us a bit about this?
I think April's realised by the first episode that she and Stuart are not soul mates, and that maybe he's a bit old for her. So, there's a bit more tension, a bit more jeopardy.
How are they coping as new parents?
I don't think April notices anything has changed because she's completely in the clouds. Stu is definitely struggling.
How is it having a baby on set?
We had wonderful twins and, honestly, they barely cried and were just so sweet I couldn't believe it.
Can you describe the show in three words?
Fast and furious.