TV schedule Sunday 13th October 2013

Series 2, Episode 12 - The Inventions GameSooty's latest Inventions take the gang onto a TV game show. Can they win over the show's judge, 'The Boss' or will Sweep throw a bone in the works? Guest starring John Thompson.

Bottom Knocker Street
Episode 24 - Till A TronicAs Meena's new till develops a mind of its own, it is not a good time to be a food critic.

The Ginge, The Geordie And The Geek
Episode 3This time, ventriloquist Bob causes heartbreak for his puppet; hoping to break the female code, the Codebreakers discover an important date; a lollipop man gets angry; and a pizza dances in the big finale.

Was It Something I Said?
Episode 2Micky Flanagan and Richard Ayoade are joined by panellists Ed Byrne and Gabby Logan, while the guest narrator is Phil Daniels. Hosted by David Mitchell.