TV schedule Tuesday 20th August 2013

Seann Walsh World
Episode 6Seann Walsh looks at the weirdest kiss of all time, internet video-dating, and Sam Sadler talks 'bid-bops'.

Series 2, Episode 8Bell and Reuben prepare for their big day, while Gravy makes a life-changing decision.

Family Tree
Episode 6 - Civil WarThe next leg of the family tree search sees Tom investigate his great-great-grandfather's participation in the American Civil War - and taking part in a re-enactment himself. Harvey receives interesting news, whilst avenues are opened for Tom following a car accident.

Series 1, Episode 5 - CoolCarabine wants his company to get back its cool and, with Rachel injured, it's up to Matthew to prove to his boss he's hip and happening. Ben is busy aligning his chakras and Tom records a dance track.