TV schedule Thursday 15th January 2009

Series 1, Episode 9 - Magnetic AttractionThe local police force launches a new Robot Cop to man the streets of Pilbury.

Bear Behaving Badly
Series 2, Episode 24 - Freaky Fur DayNev and Mr Prank are swallowed up by a beanbag and emerge with their bodies swapped over.

Life Of Riley
Series 1, Episode 2 - New BeginningsThe cat's gone missing, half their possessions have vanished and a crate is doubling as the baby's cot. Maddy and Jim struggle to get used to their new house, their new neighbours - and each other's children.

The Green Green Grass
Series 4, Episode 2 - Home BrewWhile searching through some ancient scrolls and paperwork left behind by the old squire, Boycie discovers a medieval recipe for a traditional local liquor. With the help of his staff, he goes into full-scale production, attracting customers from far and wide, including two whom he had hoped he had seen the last of.