TV schedule Tuesday 6th January 2009

Sorry, I've Got No Head
Series 1, Episode 2Ross and Miss Carpenter receive a new computer on the remote Scottish island of North Barrasay, Emily and Monty attempt another audition, and Headless Bill tackles a spot of gardening.

Series 1, Episode 2 - Out Of This WorldDigby tries to launch Hacker into orbit for a competition, and they encounter an alien.

Bear Behaving Badly
Series 2, Episode 17 - Arty TimePrank enters an art competition, but Nev's painting is accidentally entered too.

Little Britain
Little Britain Abroad. Second of two part Christmas special of the award-winning comedy sketch show.

The Wrong Door
Highlights from the sketch show set in a parallel universe.

Harry Hill's TV Burp
Repeat of the first of four shows featuring classic clips from previous series.

No Heroics
Episode 1 - SupergroupieAlex arranges to meet a girl who has given him her number, but it becomes obvious that she is a supergroupie who is only interested in one thing.
Meanwhile Sarah faces a dilemma when she witnesses a robbery taking place at the cornershop, and must choose whether to help the sexist shopkeeper or not.

How Not To Live Your Life
Series 1, Episode 2 - The Field TripDon goes on a field trip with Abby and the kids from her school. This attempt to show her he's a good, decent man goes horribly wrong when he gets the 10-year-olds drunk in a country pub.