TV schedule Tuesday 2nd December 2008

Bear Behaving Badly
Series 2, Episode 2 - Day of the TerrificBarney buys Nev a plant, which Nev feeds excessively, with disastrous consequences.

Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe
Series 5, Special - Writing SpecialIn a writers' special, Brooker is joined by some of the best in the business to talk about how you make a TV programme actually happen. The people and pens behind Doctor Who, Father Ted, Peep Show, Life on Mars, Shameless and many more lead us through the joys and pitfalls of writing, with the added benefit of some of the best bits from the programmes.

High Hopes
Series 6, Episode 4 - A Passage To IndiaThe Immigration Department, in the guise of Adam Mosley, plan to deport Muktar Rahman, the elderly patriarch of the local Indian restaurant, back to the Punjab. The community rallies around to save him, led by Mam.

Comedy Classics
Episode 6 - The New StatesmanRik Mayall plays The Right Honourable Alan Beresford B'Stard - the most right wing MP in the House of Commons, and the personification of Tory sleaze and corruption. Contributors include Marsha Fitzalan who played B'stard's wife Sarah, Edwina Currie, Helen Lederer and writers Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran.