TV schedule Friday 7th April 1972

His And Hers
Series 2, Episode 1Role-reversal sitcom about a freelance magazine writer and house-husband, Rupert, and his high-flying City worker wife, Kay.

The Liver Birds
Series 3, Episode 9 - St Valentine's DayBeryl's depressed at her lack of a stable love life, and with Valentine's Day on the horizon it could get a whole lot worse - or a lot better! Sandra mentions her situation at work, and it seems half the men there do in fact fancy Beryl!

Episode 8 - The Dreaded Arrival Of Captain TardivauxAn army captain has an affair with the innkeeper's wife.

Alexander The Greatest
Series 2, Episode 6 - Sam Leaves HomeThe Green family have their evening in front of the television interrupted by their neighbour Sam ...