Phil Clarke interview

What was your first reaction when you read the script?
I was hooked. When I read the first script I thought it was funny and well-written and I wanted to know what happens next.
What's working with Julia like?
Julia is extraordinarily talented with a clear cohesive comic vision. She works incredibly hard, to the highest standard, and is incredibly funny.
What do you make of the twisted worlds and characters Julia creates?
There are so many monstrous characters in Sally4Ever, who are also instantly recognisable and well observed. I suspect everyone knows someone a little bit like Emma for example.
How did you enjoy working with such a great comedic cast?
When you're working with such a high-calibre cast they bring more to the show than what's in the script and consistently find new things that are funny and also touching. There was a lot of improvising on set and the cast, under Julia's direction, constantly came up with new and funny material.
What does the series say about love and relationships?
I think it says a number of things. Firstly, the grass is always greener. And that relationships are complicated, and that love is a minefield, and that we are all, at times, selfish and needy. But, if we are lucky, we'll find someone as equally selfish and needy to share our lives with.
What should viewers expect from the series?
To be entertained by the comedy and the cast and to be hooked in by the story. It's a cracking, and sometimes shocking, tale.
What makes you laugh?