Things In Room 101

Series 1
- Homework
- The Jeremy Kyle Show
- The news
- Robert Webb's bald patch
- Russell Crowe
- Buffets
- Scripted reality TV shows
- Intimidating experts
- People who say that the 2012 London Olympics will be rubbish
- Shell suits
- Reality TV stars

- Parrots
- People who talk in cinemas
- Insurance adverts
- Sooty
- Text speak
- Actors
- Airport security
- Mornings
- Silent letters
- Children
- People who call you 'mate' when you've never met them before
- AutoTune
- Little iPod earphones that easily break
- Train managers
- Handbags
- Facebook
- Olympic opening and closing ceremonies
- Fake tan
- Confusing loo signs
- People who don't put things back in the right place
- Flags
- Adult animals
- Celebrity chefs
- Other people's music
- People who shout when on their mobile phones
- The old school tie
- The title of 'Lord'
Series 2
- Fruit and vegetables out of context
- Bluetooth headsets
- Unusual spellings of common names
- Spitting
- The Australian cricket team from 1990 - 2002.
- Food packaging
- The verb 'to party'
- Tipping
- Interviews with members of the public
- People who use suitcases on wheels
- Shops that have escalators up but only stairs down
- Local TV news
- People who don't have their money ready at the till
- Jobsworths
- Concert etiquette
- Fifty Shades of Grey
- People who say "Don't you know who I am?"
- Vending machines
- Giant charity cheques
- Knickers
- Glamping
- Waiters who pour a little bit of wine into your glass
- Football fans who leave early
- People who watch the same film over and over again
- Shoelaces
- Other pedestrians
- People who can't tell the difference between bees and wasps
- Homeopathy
- Fireworks
- House guests
- Reviewers and critics
- Ladies' toilets
Children In Need Special
- Girls who don't want to go out with Gruff (the young panellist)
Series 3
- Bambi
- Customer service surveys
- People who tell Richard Osman that he is tall
- Fundraising
- Clairvoyants
- People who give grown men teddy bears and stuffed toys as presents
- Celebrity Shark Bait
- David Blaine
- Wigs
- People who drop litter
- The decline of kids' games
- Tradesmen in the home
- Fish bones
- Dill
- Slogan t-shirts
- The electorate
- People who tell you to cheer up
- Naming rights to public stadiums
- Acceptance speeches at award ceremonies
- George Osborne
- National Health doctor's receptionists
- Beige
- Enforced present buying
- Tacky shop fronts
- Anne Robinson
Series 4
- Small talk at parties
- Choice
- The metric system
- White van drivers
- Internet trolls
- People who tell the truth
- Fakes
- People who put lots of pillows and cushions on their beds in descending order of size
- Bread
- The M25
- People who say "have a nice day"
- Restaurants that don't have proper powdered English mustard
- People who misuse the word 'literally'
- Stupid things that are said to vegetarians
- Singers who mime
- People who send emails
- Fiddly bracelets
- German pop music
- People who don't know how to use their mobile phones
- When you are about to have a treat, and then someone tells you how bad that treat is
- Bad toilet etiquette
- People who recline their seats on planes
- Loud eaters
Series 5
- Queuing
- David Tennant's South African accent
- Flossing
- Spiders
- Numbers
- Pockets on kids' clothes
- Parking
- Hotel check-in and check-out
- Men who wear too much aftershave
- Food that doesn't taste as good as you remember it
- The song "Livin' on a Prayer"
- Overuse of the word "like"
- Football talk
- Whooping in audiences
- Skiing
- Foreheads
- Lycra
- Peoples' sense of entitlement
- Spectators at Wimbledon
- Massive pepper grinders
- Predictive text
Series 6
- Minimiser bras
- Set-up paparazzi shoots
- Sniffing
- Clutter
- Snobby shop assistants
- Expensive water in hotel rooms
- New towels
- Running out of loo roll
- New Year's Eve
- Half and half football scarves
- Fun
- Cats
- Cyclists in Lycra
- Richard Branson
- Celebrity atheists
- Life itself
Series 7
- Mosquitoes
- Little cartons of UHT milk
- Dance party endings on kids films
- David Cameron
- Homemade football signs
- Karl Marx
- Tax loopholes
- People who don't bring a bag on a night out
- Pseudoscience
- People being rude about Paul McCartney
- Coat hangers
- Radio phone-ins
- People who are really into cars
- Bread in restaurants
- Football players who fake injury
- Making friends with your aerobics instructor
- People who don't pick up their dog's poo
- Phone calls
- Guilt
- Friends by association
- Passive aggressive politeness
- Trying on clothes
- Nodding acquaintances