Doon Mackichan interview

Doon Mackichan says she gets recognised as Flavia, 'the boss from hell', in the weirdest places...
What is it about Plebs that makes you come back for a third series?
The fact that we are now such a team, and we just feel like we've been in it from the beginning, we're in it together. The writing is consistently good, the three guys are great, although I'm missing my girls, Sophie and Lydia, quite badly this year. But what it comes down to, I think, is just the quality of the writing.
Is it easy for you to slip back into character?
I have to do a bit of work. It's not as easy as slipping on the wig, there's a certain amount of clothing that's required! I came straight here after Steve Coogan's 50th birthday party, then out again last night, and then I felt ragged, so yesterday I thought, "Right, I've really got to focus." But what's lovely is the minute you're back in it's like you've never been away. I feel like I know her pretty well, but there are always new things to discover, which is really great. That's the good thing about good writing - you can just play with it and find different levels.
What do you like about Flavia?
Her mischief, her playfulness, her rudeness, the fact that she takes herself incredibly seriously; she just says things completely straight. I think that's what's funny. I think she's the boss from hell, isn't she? She's the bitchy boss. It's so nice to be doing it in costume but with other characteristics to it, so she's not all bitch, if that makes sense.

Do you get recognised on the street?
I'm recognised in the weirdest places! It's often groups of lads in an Indian restaurant in Hastings or something like that. It's 11 o'clock at night and they're like, "It's the Queen!". I'm dubbed as The Queen in this show, can I just put that on the record?! I am The Queen.
She has a lot of inappropriate things to say to the boys...
I know, I love that! Even though you know it's coming, it's a classic. Absolutely brilliant. The one I had to say today was brilliant. Tom Basden says "I don't want your balls in my mouth," and I have to say, "Well, it might shut you up for once, water boy". He's actually talking about paper balls but it's just another classic interchange I will never tire of.
Do you have a lot of fun with the lads?
I think after Series 1 there was so much corpsing that we took so long to get things done because we were always laughing so much. We realise now we just need to get the scenes done and stop messing about! We're a bit more professional because we know how long it takes, and also how it can just mess everything up, so everyone is a bit more like, "Let's get the job done".
Why do you think it has become such a success?
I think the three guys have got a great relationship and they're all brilliant actors, Tom Basden is fantastic, and obviously he writes it as well. Obviously I am brilliant and was nominated for a BAFTA, you know, which is ridiculous. I'm only in two scenes a show! Anyway, stick me behind a desk and I'll still get nominated for a BAFTA!
It seems things aren't too good for Flavia this series, because she gets divorced...
Yeah, her husband runs off with a young, blonde bimbo to Greece, so she smashes up all his stuff. She has a great appetite for life but she doesn't have any sort of compassion for life. For example, when she's fired she goes and gets a little puppy because she's bored, she really likes it for a bit and then she has it put down because it shits on her mosaic! Oh my god, everyone's going to hate me!
Do you base her on anyone?
No, funnily enough I don't with her. She's just me; I think she'll be what I turn into in 10 years time!
If you could write a storyline for Flavia what would you want to see happen to her?
I think she should just be off the scale crazy. I love all the excessive Roman stuff. What I love about the show is it's based on fact; yes, people were thrown to the lions. So I think the more historically close they stay, the funnier it is.
I don't know what she can do next, maybe fall in love. Really fall in love with somebody and then lose it, really lose it, if they were to leave, you see her turn into a bunny boiler!
Have you noticed changes in roles you are offered as you get older?
I feel very blessed to be working so hard. I've just done Toast Of London; a series for BBC Two [Two Doors Down], and now this. So two great shows back to back, I feel really blessed with that. But I don't think it's changed fast enough. I think more can be done.
There's too much good female talent going to waste. I think we're still too shy when it comes to female led shows. If you think of Smack The Pony all those years ago, we're talking about 13 years ago, that could have paved the way, in the way that Bridesmaids could have, and it hasn't really.
How would you describe series three in three words?
Fruity... saucy... and... I don't know? A little bit X-rated, I would say!
Plebs Series 3 is on ITV2 on Mondays at 10pm.