Outnumbered: Then and Now

Outnumbered 2007
When BBC sitcom Outnumbered launched in 2007, Tyger Drew-Honey (Jake), Daniel Roche (Ben) and Ramona Marquez (Karen) were very young.

Outnumbered 2016
However, as this recent reunion picture which has been going around Twitter shows, they now look a bit older! Tyger is now 20, whilst Daniel is 16 and Ramona is 15.
See X post
Here's another recent photo:
See X post
New Christmas special
The trio - plus parents Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner - are set to return to Outnumbered soon for a new one-off special. The new episode is expected to be shown at Christmas. Speaking last week, Hugh Dennis said: "I'm really looking forward to it as it's the most fun that I have filming. We've all done it for so long and we know everyone so well and the scripts are so good that you'd be mad not to look forward to it."