Inside No. 9 Series 5 in production

- Filming has started on Series 5 of Inside No. 9
- Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton are making six new episodes, for broadcast later in 2019
- A clapperboard photo released by the BBC reveals that Pemberton will direct one of the episodes
Filming has started on Series 5 of Inside No. 9.
Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton have written six more episodes of their comic anthology series, which are now in production, for broadcast on BBC Two later in the year.
As is the case with previous series, details of the plots and guest stars are being kept tightly under wraps.
A photo of a clapperboard marked 'Take 1' was released by the BBC today to signify the start of production. The image reveals that Pemberton will be directing one of the new episodes. This will be the third time he's overseen a shoot, having previously directed the Cold Comfort and Nana's Party instalments in Series 2.
The photo also features the silver hare statue, a prop which features in every episode of the show, no matter the plot.
The fifth series of Inside No. 9 was announced in February 2018, as Series 4 concluded. A one-off Halloween special followed in October, bridging the gap between the series. The episode, which was broadcast live, took many viewers by surprise.
Viewing figures have been steadily growing for Inside No. 9, thanks in part to all episodes being available on BBC iPlayer as a box set. The show has achieved wide critical acclaim and collected a number of prestigious awards since it launched in 2014. Last year it was voted Comedy Of The Year in the Awards.
Speaking at the time of the Series 5 announcement, Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith said: "Having tried and failed to convince the BBC to produce a full Cheese & Crackers series (or at the very least a Summertime Special), we have reluctantly agreed to do another series of Inside No. 9. We will once again attempt to trick, tickle and terrify you - but not necessarily all at once. Unless there's a twist. Which there won't be. Or will there? Huge thanks to BBC Comedy and BBC Studios for their continued support, and to our loyal fans for continuing to spread the word."
BBC Comedy Commissioner Shane Allen commented: "Reece and Steve continue to dazzle, shock and knock audiences for six with their uniquely layered storytelling craftsmanship which attracts the cream of British acting talent. There is not a more distinctive or ambitious comedy show being made anywhere in the world right now as week in week out they create whole new worlds and sets of characters which have instant impact."
Further details - including the guest stars appearing in Series 5 - will be revealed in due course.