British Comedy Guide

BBC Two to pilot Rhod Gilbert comedy chat show

Thursday 22nd May 2014, 2:22pm

Rhod Gilbert

BBC Two is to pilot a new comedy chat show hosted by Rhod Gilbert.

Delete Delete Delete involves the Welsh comedian interviewing two guests about the contents of their internet history - 'weird websites, most watched virals, odd blogs and questions asked of their favourite search engine'.

The producer explain the show will involve Gilbert asking the guests questions such as 'Why?', 'How?' and 'What on earth were you thinking?'.

"The show takes the position that your personal internet habits reveal a lot about you - it's why they invented the 'clear history' button."

This new pilot follows on from a run-through back in October 2013 involving Russell Kane as a guest. The full studio pilot will be recorded on Thursday 12th June 2014 at Pinewood Studios. To apply to be in the audience see our free tickets page

Joining Gilbert for the pilot will be Dragons' Den star Deborah Meaden and stand-up Patrick Kielty.

Delete Delete Delete has been co-created by Ali Crockett and David Scott, comedy writers who have previously devised shows such as Genius With Dave Gorman.

This new pilot is being overseen by Roughcut Television, the production company behind BBC Three sitcom Cuckoo, new iPlayer comedy People Just Do Nothing, and Sky sitcom Trollied.

Delete Delete Delete will be produced by Matt White, and Executive Produced by Ash Atalla and Neil Calow.

The pilot episode of Delete Delete Delete is unlikely to be seen on TV, but will be used by BBC executives to decide whether to order a full series.

Rhod Gilbert has previously hosted the TV show Ask Rhod Gilbert. Aside from working on Delete Delete Delete, he is also filming another series of Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience, the hit factual entertainment documentary series for BBC Wales which sees him try out other people's jobs.

Below is a clip of Gilbert performing his famous luggage based stand-up routine on Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow:

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