Navelgazing Presents...
- TV sketch show
- U&Dave
- 2011
- 7 episodes (1 series)
Short five minute sketches from the Navelgazing comedy group, airing on Dave TV. Stars Jack Brough, Jamie Deeks, Dan Johnston, Ewen MacIntosh, Karen Hayley and Susy Kane
Episode menu
Series 1, Episode 4 - Sofa Show #1
The Sofa Show - spoof of daily, sofa based magazine shows. Featuring groundbreaking stories such as the 35 year old man whose voice broke back, kennels for men and "talented" pets.
Broadcast details
- Date
- Thursday 16th June 2011
- Time
- 11pm
- Channel
- U&Dave
- Length
- 4 minutes
Cast & crew
Jack Brough | Various |
Jamie Deeks | Various |
Dan Johnston | Various |
Ewen MacIntosh | Various |
Karen Hayley | Ensemble Actor |
Susy Kane | Ensemble Actor |
Jack Brough | Writer |
Jamie Deeks | Writer |
Dan Johnston | Writer |
Ewen MacIntosh | Writer |
Jamie Deeks | Director |
Jack Brough | Producer |
Dan Johnston | Producer |