The Michael McIntyre Chat Show
- TV chat show
- BBC One
- 2014
- 6 episodes (1 series)
Michael McIntyre hosts a chat show on BBC One. He talks to celebrity guests and plays the game 'send to all'.
Press clippings Page 2
Can Michael McIntyre join the chatshow greats?
Michael McIntyre made his chatshow debut on BBC One last night, scampering around and breaking the fourth wall - but he still respected the golden rules of presenting. So what makes a truly great host?
Julia Raeside, The Guardian, 11th March 2014The Michael McIntyre Chat Show needs tweaking
Michael McIntyre, like Alan Carr, comes from the world of stand-up comedy, but his style couldn't be more different. He isn't edgy or acerbic. He's jolly, charming and very middle-class, which has proven to be a winning combination for his comedy tours. However, I'm less sure those strengths equals a brilliant chat show host.
Dan Owen, MSN Entertainment, 11th March 2014The Michael McIntyre Chat Show review
If you were making a generic chat show spoof, you'd probably come up with The Michael McIntyre Chat Show. Bland, slick and more about the host than gaining insights into the guests.
Alex Fletcher and Tom Mansell, Digital Spy, 11th March 2014Review: The Michael McIntyre Chat Show
The fact that we had nearly 15 minutes of McIntyre's solo warm-up made it quite clear that the guests were of strictly secondary importance, and their carefully rationed slots ensured that their 'chat' consisted of little more than agreeing with the host that they were indeed marvellous.
Adam Sweeting, The Spectator, 11th March 2014The Michael McIntyre Chat Show review
This show was trailed by a BBC announcer saying, "Stepping into the shoes of the chat-show greats..." but on the evidence of this first outing Michael McIntyre is good at being chirpy and making slurping noises, but not much else.
Veronica Lee, The Arts Desk, 11th March 2014The Michael McIntyre Chat Show review
I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that The Michael McIntyre Chat Show needs some work. It appears at the minute that the host is stuck between two worlds: Chat and Observation.
Matthew McLane, UK TV Reviewer, 11th March 2014Radio Times review
The path from comedy to chat show is a well-trodden but perilous one. Alan Carr and Graham Norton have both skipped down that route with ease but now Michael McIntyre finds out whether his bouncy style of humour will work in the static format of a chat show.
Stand-up comedians don't always find it easy to allow someone else into the spotlight so he'll need to rein in his boisterousness a bit. If he wants pointers, two of his guests have been in the hot seat themselves before: Terry Wogan and Lily Allen (although the latter was widely panned for her efforts). It'll be interesting to see how Michael copes with his other guest, too - Lord Sugar doesn't suffer fools gladly, so he's not always the easiest interviewee.
Jane Rackham, Radio Times, 10th March 2014The oft-mocked standup comedian tries his luck as a chatshow host, using his polite brand of charm to lure guests to the sofa in a new series. On a scale of Norton to Paxman, McIntyre's not likely to ruffle any feathers, and with Terry Wogan and Alan Sugar in the Beeb-heavy line-up that should suit his guests quite well. If the thought of Wogan dishing out chatshow tips makes you reach for the off button, wise mistress of controversy Lily Allen will also be on hand to liven matters up a bit.
Hannah Verdier, The Guardian, 10th March 2014Does the world really need another chat show? Decide for yourself as irrepressibly perky comedian Michael McIntyre tries to remind himself to shut up long enough to let his guests get a word in edgeways. Graham Norton, Alan Carr and Jonathan Ross will scarcely be quaking in their boots at McIntyre's opening guest list: Lily Allen, Lord Alan Sugar and Sir Terry Wogan can all be relied on for a jolly anecdote but it's a pretty safe choice for an opening gambit. McIntyre will need something a little edgier if he's going to stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Carol Carter and Larushka Ivan-Zadeh, Metro, 10th March 2014Is Michael McIntyre next big name in chat show hosts?
McIntyre is the latest stand-up comedian to host a chat show - does he know what he's letting himself in for...
Stephen Armstrong, Radio Times, 10th March 2014