Daniel Peacock interview

Daniel Peacock, the creator and writer of Marley's Ghosts, talks about what's in store in Series 2.
The first series of Marley's Ghosts was a huge hit on Gold. Why do you think it struck such a chord?
I created a surreal, ridiculous world, but I also tried to make every story real, so you were genuinely interested in the outcome. Will these characters win or lose?
Viewers have also connected with the character of Marley, haven't they?
Definitely. She really appeals to audiences because she's such a nice person. She has been put in an awkward situation, but not by nasty people. There are no villains in this show. They all have their own motivations which causes Marley lots of problems.
Where do we find the characters at the start of the second series of Marley's Ghosts?
Marley is trying to move on. Even though she lives in these surreal circumstances with three ghosts which no one else can see, she is attempting to keep life as close to normal as possible.
What has changed since the first series?
We have brought in a lot of extra characters, including Marley's sister, niece and neighbour. Even though they are alive, they create as many ridiculous situations and are just as tricky as the characters who are dead. She just can't win!
This sitcom may feature ghosts, but it's not really about the supernatural, is it?
No. There are moments when Marley and the audience forget that they are ghosts. They're not spooky. They just happen to be dead people she can see, with the same angst and jealousy as anyone else. The only difference is that they can walk through walls and that no one else can see them. This setup has opened up a whole new source of comedy to be mined.

What does Sarah Alexander add to the role of Marley?
She brings absolute comic genius. Before I met her, I always thought she was a very, very funny comic actor, and now I know that it's true. She has a lot on her shoulders in this series. She is in almost every scene and manages brilliantly. She is absolutely perfect for the role.
What are John Hannah's strengths as Adam?
He brings real comic authority. He's not just a wonderful actor - he really understands the genre of comedy. He has immaculate comedy timing.
Why does Jo Joyner work so well in the part of the Vicar?
She is a joy to write for. She was born for this part. When I'm writing the Vicar, I'm already laughing as I can hear Jo saying the lines. If I ever have a problem, she can come in and make it funny.
What does Nicholas Burns bring to the role of Michael?
He's a very, very funny guy. He's done a lot of comedy over the years, and he always delivers. Michael is an interesting character because he has evolved. He used to perceive himself as a lady's man, but now he can't have any ladies!
Would you like to write more series of Marley's Ghosts?
Definitely. There are loads of new places I can take these characters. There is a major twist at the end of this series which offers lots of new opportunities for the boys to fall out. I love going to my little caravan in Romney Sands and writing Marley's Ghosts. There's nothing I like better!