British TV sitcoms from the 1950s (82 records)
- Abigail And Roger
- The Adventures Of Aggie
- The Adventures Of Brigadier Wellington-Bull
- The Adventures Of Charlie Quick
- The Adventures Of Mr Pastry
- All Aboard
- Are Husbands Really Necessary?
- The Army Game
- The Artful Dodger
- At Your Service, Ltd
- The Big Man
- Billy Bunter Of Greyfriars School
- Bonehead
- Call Me Sam
- Captain Moonlight - Man Of Mystery
- Caught Napping
- Caxton's Tales
- Charlie Drake In...
- Club Night
- Curtains For Harry
- Dear Dotty
- Don't Tell Father (1959)
- Double Cross
- East End - West End
- Educated Evans
- Educating Archie
- Emney Enterprises
- Evans Abode
- An Evening At Home With Bernard Braden And Barbara Kelly
- Frankie Howerd In...
- Frankly Howerd
- Friends And Neighbours
- Gert And Daisy
- The Great Detective
- Hancock's Half Hour
- Happy Holidays
- Here's Archie
- Herlock And Sholmes
- Highland Fling
- Hotel Imperial
- Ignorants Abroad
- I'm Not Bothered
- Jennings At School
- Joan And Leslie
- The Larkins (1958)
- Laughter In Store
- Life With The Lyons
- Living It Up
- Love And Kisses
- The McFlannels
- The Most Likely Girl
- Mr Pastry's Holiday Show
- Mr Pastry's Progress (1950)
- My Husband And I (1956)
- My Pal Bob
- My Wife And I
- My Wife Jacqueline
- My Wife's Sister
- Nathaniel Titlark
- Over To William
- Para Handy - Master Mariner
- Parent-Craft
- People Like Us (1957)
- The Randall Touch
- Reggie Little At Large
- Scott Free
- Sheep's Clothing
- Show Me A Spy!
- Silk, Satin, Cotton, Rags
- The Sky Larks
- Something In The City
- The Sooty Show
- Tell It To The Marines
- Those Kids
- Three 'Tough' Guys
- Tons Of Money
- Tracey And Me
- Trouble For Two
- The Two Charleys
- Whack-O!
- Worzel Gummidge Turns Detective
- The Young Lady From London