British Comedy Guide
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British TV comedies on BBC One (1,295 records)

Only include productions with
  1. ABC Of Britain
  2. Abigail And Roger
  3. Abigail's Party
  4. Absolutely Fabulous
  5. Absurd Person Singular
  6. Accidental Farmer
  7. According To Bex
  8. According To Dora
  9. The Accountant
  10. An Actor's Life For Me
  11. Adrian Mole: The Cappuccino Years
  12. The Adventures Of Brigadier Wellington-Bull
  13. The Adventures Of Charlie Quick
  14. Aftersun
  15. After You've Gone
  16. Agent Z & The Penguin From Mars
  17. Agony Again
  18. Ain't Misbehavin' (1994)
  19. The Airbase
  20. Aladdin (1951)
  21. Aladdin (1957)
  22. Aladdin (1971)
  23. Aladdin (1974)
  24. Aladdin And His Wonderful Lamp
  25. Aladdin And The Forty Thieves
  26. Aladdin's Wonderful Lamp
  27. Alan Davies - Urban Trauma
  28. Alan Partridge: How Are You? (Coming soon)
  29. Alistair McGowan's Big Impression
  30. Alive And Kicking
  31. All About Me (2002)
  32. All Along The Watchtower
  33. Allan Sherman - Folk Singer?
  34. All Gas And Gaiters
  35. All Good Things
  36. All Night Long
  37. 'Allo 'Allo!
  38. All Quiet On The Preston Front
  39. All Round To Mrs. Brown's
  40. Al Read Says What A Life!
  41. Amandaland
  42. The Amazing Adventures Of Morph
  43. Am I Being Unreasonable?
  44. And Here, All The Way From...
  45. And It's Goodnight From Him: A Tribute To Ronnie Barker
  46. And So To Bentley
  47. ... And So To Ted
  48. And Whose Side Are You On?
  49. Animal Antics
  50. A.P. Herbert's 'Misleading Cases'
  51. An Apple A Day
  52. The April 8th Show (Seven Days Early)
  53. April Fool's Day (1951)
  54. Are You Being Served? (1972)
  55. Are You Being Served? (2016)
  56. Are You Having A Laugh? - Comedy And Christianity
  57. The Armstrong & Miller Show
  58. Around The Town
  59. The Artful Dodger
  60. Arthur Askey (1951)
  61. Arthur Askey (1955)
  62. As Good Cooks Go
  63. Ask Mr Pastry
  64. Ask Rhod Gilbert
  65. As Seen On TV
  66. As Time Goes By
  67. At Home
  68. Atletico Partick
  69. At The Drop Of A Hat
  70. At The Eleventh Hour
  71. At Your Service, Ltd
  72. Auf Wiedersehen, Pet
  73. Avoidance
  1. Bachelor Father
  2. The Bachelor Girls
  3. Bad Boyes
  4. Bad Boys
  5. Badger's Green (1938)
  6. Badger's Green (1953)
  7. The Bagthorpe Saga
  8. Ballet 'How'
  9. Ball-Trap On The Côte Sauvage
  10. B-And-B
  11. Barbara With Braden
  12. Bar Mitzvah Boy
  13. Barmy Aunt Boomerang
  14. Barnaby Spoot And The Exploding Whoopee Cushion
  15. Barney Is My Darling
  16. The Basil Brush Show (1968)
  17. The Basil Brush Show (2002)
  18. Bath H&C
  19. Bath-Night With Braden
  20. Bavarian Night
  21. Baxter On...
  22. BBC-3
  23. BBC New Comedy Awards
  24. Bear Behaving Badly
  25. Beast
  26. Beat Up The Town
  27. Bebe Daniels And Ben Lyon
  28. The Bed-Sit Girl
  29. Bedtime
  30. Before Your Very Eyes!
  31. Beggar My Neighbour
  32. Being Eileen
  33. Beneath The News
  34. The Ben Elton Show
  35. Ben Elton - The Man From Auntie
  36. Benny Hill
  37. The Benny Hill Show (1955)
  38. Ben Travers Farces
  39. Bernard And The Genie
  40. Beryl Reid Says Good Evening
  41. Be Soon
  42. The Best Of British
  43. Best Of British: Film Fun
  44. Best Of Chewin' The Fat
  45. The Best Of Kenny Everett's Television Shows
  46. The Best Of Les Dawson
  47. Betsy Mae
  48. Better Not...
  49. Better Than A Man
  50. The Betty Driver Show
  51. Between The Lines
  52. Big Bad Mouse (1966)
  53. Big Deal
  54. The Big Noise
  55. Big School
  56. Big Top
  57. Bill Bailey: Larks In Transit
  58. Bill Bailey: Limboland
  59. Billionaire Boy
  60. Bill Owen: A Tribute
  61. Billy Bunter Of Greyfriars School
  62. Billy Connolly: A BAFTA Tribute
  63. Billy Connolly: In My Own Words
  64. Billy Connolly's One Night Stand
  65. Billy Maloney
  66. Bird Alone
  67. Birds Of A Feather (1948)
  68. Birds Of A Feather (1989)
  69. Birds On The Wing
  70. Birthday
  71. A Bit Of Fry & Laurie
  72. Blackadder
  73. Blackadder Rides Again
  74. Black And Blue
  75. Black Ops
  76. Blandings
  77. Blandings Castle
  78. Blankety Blank
  79. Blessed
  80. Bless This House (1954)
  81. Bloomin' Marvellous
  82. Boat Story
  83. Bobby Davro - Public Enemy Number 1
  84. Bobby Davro: Rock With Laughter
  85. Bob Monkhouse: A BAFTA Tribute
  86. Bob Monkhouse On The Spot
  87. Bob Monkhouse - Over The Limit
  88. The Bob Monkhouse Show (1983)
  89. Bodger & Badger
  90. Bold As Brass
  91. Bombardier Secombe Back Among The Boys
  92. Bonehead
  93. Bonjour La Classe
  94. Bonny!
  95. Boomers
  96. Border Cafe
  97. Born Every Minute
  98. Bosom Pals
  99. Boyce Goes West
  100. The Boy In The Dress
  101. The Boys And Mrs B
  102. The Boys From The Bush
  103. Bread
  104. Brian Rix Presents: Wolf's Clothing
  105. Bring Me Sunshine - The Heart And Soul Of Eric Morecambe
  106. The Brittas Empire
  107. Broken Biscuits
  108. Brotherly Love (1999)
  109. Brothers In Law
  110. Bruce And Ronnie
  111. The Bruce Forsyth Show (1989)
  112. Brush Strokes
  113. A Bucket O' French And Saunders
  114. The Bullion Boys
  115. The Bumblies
  116. Bumps
  117. Butterworth Time
  118. But When We Dance (Coming soon)
  119. Byng-Ho!
  120. By Request
  121. By The Sea
  1. Cabbages And Kings
  2. Caledonia MacBrains
  3. Call Me Sam
  4. Call Up The Stars
  5. Camping (1950)
  6. Candy Cabs
  7. Canned Carrott
  8. Can You Keep A Secret? (Coming soon)
  9. Captain Moonlight - Man Of Mystery
  10. Captive Audience
  11. Cardiac Arrest
  12. Carmichael's Night Out
  13. The Carol Burnett Show In London
  14. Caroline Aherne At The BBC
  15. Carrie & Barry
  16. Carrott Confidential
  17. Carrott's Lib
  18. Carrott-U-Like
  19. Car Share
  20. Casanova '73
  21. Catherine Tate's Nan
  22. Caught Napping
  23. Cavegirl
  24. Caxton's Tales
  25. Celeb
  26. Chalk
  27. The Chamber
  28. Chambers
  29. The Chameleon
  30. A Chance To Meet.... Barry Cryer
  31. A Chance To Meet.... Ian Carmichael
  32. A Chance To Meet.... Jimmy Jewel
  33. A Chance To Meet.... Marti Caine
  34. The Channel Swimmer
  35. Charge!
  36. Charles Heslop
  37. Charley's Aunt (1938)
  38. Charley's Aunt (1961)
  39. Charlie Chester On Laughter Service
  40. The Charlie Chester Show
  41. Charlie Drake And Jack Edwardes
  42. Charlie Drake In...
  43. Charlie Drake's Christmas Show
  44. The Charlie Drake Show (1960)
  45. The Chars
  46. Charters And Caldicott
  47. Cheaters
  48. Chef!
  49. Choirboys Unite!
  50. The Chris & Rosie Ramsey Show
  51. Christmas Box
  52. A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong
  53. Christmas Cracker
  54. Christmas Night With The Stars
  55. Christmas Pantomime: Robin Hood
  56. ChuckleVision
  57. Citizen James
  58. Citizen Khan
  59. Citizen Smith
  60. Clapham And Dwyer
  61. Clarence
  62. Claude Dampier
  63. The Cleaner
  64. A Clerical Error
  65. Click & Collect
  66. Clicquot Et Fils
  67. The Climber
  68. Clive Dunn
  69. Clock On
  70. Closing Night
  71. Club Night
  72. The Coal Hole Club
  73. The Cobblers Of Umbridge
  74. Cockles
  75. Cold Comfort Farm (1995)
  76. Cold Enough For Snow
  77. Come Back Mrs. Noah
  78. Comedy Bloopers
  79. Comedy Cabaret
  80. Comedy Capers
  81. Comedy Connections
  82. Comedy Corner
  83. The Comedy Genius Of John Sullivan
  84. Comedy Playhouse: Where It All Began
  85. Comedy Sketchbook
  86. Come Fly With Me
  87. Comic Relief
  88. Comic Relief's Big Chat With Graham Norton
  89. Comic Roots
  90. Coming Home
  91. Commercial Breakdown
  92. Common As Muck
  93. Comrades In Arms
  94. The Copperfield Comedy Company
  95. Coppers And Co!
  96. Corrigan Blake
  97. Count Arthur Strong
  98. The Cream - As Seen By The Clot
  99. The Crouches
  100. Cry Wolf
  101. Cuckoo College
  102. The Culture Vultures
  103. Cyril Fletcher
  104. Cyril's Saga
  1. Ladies And Gentle-Men
  2. Lance At Large
  3. The Lance Percival Show
  4. The Last Laugh: A Tribute To Les Dawson
  5. The Last Man On Earth
  6. Last Of The Summer Wine
  7. The Last Salute
  8. Last Tango In Halifax
  9. A Last Word On The Election
  10. Late Expectations
  11. The Late Show
  12. Laugh Attack
  13. Laughter In Store
  14. Laughter In The House: The Story Of British Sitcom
  15. The Laughter Show
  16. Laura And Disorder
  17. La Vie Cambridgeienne
  18. Learners
  19. Leave It To Pastry
  20. Lee Evans - So What Now?
  21. Lee Evans XL Tour 2005 Live
  22. Lee Mack Going Out Live
  23. Lee Mack's All Star Cast
  24. The Legacy Of Reginald Perrin
  25. The Legend Of Dick And Dom
  26. The Legend Of The Tamworth Two
  27. Lennie & Jerry
  28. Lenny Goes To Town
  29. The Lenny Henry Birthday Show
  30. The Lenny Henry Christmas Show
  31. The Lenny Henry Christmas Special
  32. Lenny Henry Gets Wild
  33. Lenny Henry: In Dreams
  34. Lenny Henry In Pieces
  35. The Lenny Henry Show (1984)
  36. The Lenny Henry Show (1987)
  37. The Lenny Henry Show (2004)
  38. The Lenny Henry Special
  39. Lenny Henry: This Is My Life
  40. Lenny Henry Tonite
  41. Lenny Henry.TV
  42. Leonard Henry
  43. The Les Dawson Show (1978)
  44. Leslie Weston
  45. Let's Laugh
  46. Let Them Eat Cake
  47. Life As We Know It
  48. A Life Of Bliss
  49. Life Of Riley
  50. A Life On The Box
  51. Life's A Pitch (2000)
  52. The Life & Times Of Alf Garnett
  53. Life Without George
  54. Life With The Lyons
  55. Lift Off! With Coppers And Co!
  56. The Lighter Side
  57. Light Relief
  58. The Lily Savage Show
  59. Linda Green
  60. Little And Large
  61. Little Britain
  62. The Little & Largest Show On Earth
  63. A Little Learning
  64. Live At The Apollo
  65. The Liver Birds
  66. Loitering With Intent
  67. Look At It This Way
  68. Look - Mike Yarwood
  69. Lord Of Misrule
  70. Love Hurts
  71. Lovejoy
  72. The Love Match
  73. Love On A Branch Line
  74. The Loves Of Larch Hill
  75. Love Soup
  76. Lucky Bag
  77. Ludwig
  78. Lunch In The Park
  79. Luv
  1. Mad About Alice
  2. Maggie - It's Me!
  3. The Magnificent Evans
  4. Maid Marian And Her Merry Men
  5. The Main Attraction
  6. The Making Of Peregrine
  7. Making Out
  8. The Maladjusted Busker
  9. Mama's Back!
  10. Man And Music
  11. A Many Splintered Thing
  12. Mapp & Lucia (2014)
  13. Marion And Geoff
  14. Marlene Marlowe Investigates
  15. Marriage
  16. Marriage Lines
  17. Marry The Girls
  18. Martin Mull In Concert
  19. Marty Amok
  20. Marty Back Together Again
  21. The Mascot
  22. The Mate Market
  23. Material Girl
  24. A Matter Of Loaf And Death
  25. The Matt Lucas Awards
  26. Max Boyce
  27. Max Boyce And Friends
  28. Max Boyce Entertains
  29. Max Bygraves
  30. Max Bygraves Entertains (1965)
  31. Max Bygraves Says 'I Wanna Tell You A Story'
  32. Mayo
  33. May To December
  34. Me And Mrs Jones
  35. Meet Max Wall
  36. Meet The Champ
  37. Meet The Wife
  38. The Melting Pot
  39. Me Mammy
  40. Memoirs Of A Chaise Longue
  41. Men Behaving Badly
  42. Men Of The World
  43. Merry-Go-Round
  44. Meter Maids
  45. Michael Barrymore's Saturday Night Out
  46. Michael Bentine's Square World
  47. Michael Howard
  48. The Michael McIntyre Chat Show
  49. Michael McIntyre: Happy And Glorious
  50. Michael McIntyre: Hello Wembley!
  51. Michael McIntyre: Live & Laughing
  52. Michael McIntyre's 25th Year Stand-Up Special
  53. Michael McIntyre's Big Show
  54. Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow
  55. Michael McIntyre's Easter Night At The Coliseum
  56. Michael McIntyre's Showtime
  57. Michael McIntyre's Very Christmassy Christmas Show
  58. Mick And Mac
  59. Microsoap
  60. Middlemen
  61. The Midnight Gang
  62. Mike Yarwood At The New London Theatre
  63. Mike Yarwood In Persons (1976)
  64. Mincemeat (1947)
  65. Mind Your Manners
  66. Mind Your Own Business
  67. Miranda
  68. Miranda Hart: My, What I Call, Live Show
  69. Miranda: My Such Fun Celebration
  70. Mirrorball
  71. The Missing Postman
  72. Mister Winner
  73. A Mixed Bag
  74. Monarch Of The Glen
  75. Monks
  76. Monster Café
  77. Monty Python's Flying Circus
  78. Moody In...
  79. The Morecambe And Wise Classics
  80. Morecambe And Wise - The Show What Paul Merton Did
  81. Morecambe & Wise: Fools Rush In
  82. The Morecambe & Wise Show (1968)
  83. The Morph Files
  84. Morris Minor's Marvellous Motors
  85. Mostly Maynard
  86. Mother Came Too
  87. Mother Goose (1959)
  88. Mother Goose (1965)
  89. Motherland
  90. Mountain Goats
  91. Moving Furniture
  92. Moving On: Get Fit Or Try Lying
  93. Mr. Bean
  94. Mr Big
  95. Mr Justice Duncannon
  96. Mr Little At Large
  97. Mr Pastry
  98. Mr Pastry At Home!
  99. Mr Pastry Gets A Job
  100. Mr Pastry Hooks A Spook
  101. Mr Pastry's Holiday Show
  102. Mr Pastry's Pet Shop
  103. Mr Pastry's Progress (1950)
  104. Mr Pastry's Progress (1962)
  105. Mr Pastry's Spicy Life
  106. Mr Pastry Takes A Holiday
  107. Mrs. Brown's Boys
  108. Mrs Feather
  109. Mrs Merton & Malcolm
  110. The Mrs Merton Show
  111. Mrs Mulligan's Private Hotel
  112. Mr Stink
  113. Mr. Wymi
  114. Much Ado About Nothing (1967)
  115. Mud
  116. Mulberry
  117. Mum's Boys
  118. Murray And Me
  119. Mutual Friends
  120. My Dad's The Prime Minister
  121. My Family
  122. My Father Knew Lloyd George
  123. My Favourite Joke
  124. My Hero
  125. My Hero: Ben Miller On Tony Hancock
  126. My Hero: Hugh Dennis On Ronnie Barker
  127. My Hero: Miranda Hart On Eric Morecambe
  128. My Honourable Mrs
  129. My Pal Bob
  130. The Mystery Of Men
  131. My Summer With Des
  132. My Wife Jacqueline
  133. My Wife Next Door
  1. Safe And Sound
  2. Sam The Samaritan
  3. The Saturday Special
  4. The Savages
  5. Scarborough
  6. S Club 7
  7. Scoop (2009)
  8. Scotch And Wry
  9. Scott Free
  10. Screaming
  11. Scrooge - A Christmas Sarah
  12. Sealed With A Loving Kiss
  13. Secombe At Large
  14. Secombe Here!
  15. The Secombe Saga
  16. Seconds Out
  17. Second Time Around
  18. The Secret Policeman's Ball
  19. A Series Of Bird's
  20. Seven Year Hitch
  21. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators
  22. Shamrot
  23. Sharon And Elsie
  24. The Sharp End
  25. Shaun The Sheep
  26. Sheep's Clothing
  27. Show For The Telly
  28. Show Me A Spy!
  29. Sid Caesar Invites You
  30. Side By Side
  31. The Siege Of Sydney's Street
  32. Silk, Satin, Cotton, Rags
  33. Sink Or Swim
  34. Sir Bruce Forsyth: Mr. Entertainment
  35. Sir David Jason At 80: A Lovely Jubbly Celebration
  36. The Sitcom Story
  37. Sitting Pretty (1974)
  38. Sitting Pretty (1992)
  39. The Sketch Show Story
  40. The Sky Larks
  41. Smashie & Nicey - End Of An Era
  42. Smith & Jones
  43. Smith & Jones: Prime Cuts
  44. The Smith & Jones Sketchbook
  45. The Snapper
  46. So Haunt Me
  47. Solo
  48. Some Interesting Facts About Peter Cook
  49. Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em
  50. Something For The Weekend
  51. Son Of The Bride
  52. The Sooty Show
  53. Sorry!
  54. Sorry About Last Night
  55. Sorry I'm Single
  56. Sorry, I've Got No Head
  57. So You Think You've Got Troubles
  58. Spanner In The Works
  59. Spark
  60. Spike Milligan (1996)
  61. Spike Milligan Offers A Series Of Unrelated Incidents At Current Market Value
  62. Squire Dodd's Christmas Special
  63. Staged
  64. Stand Up, Fall Over.... It's Lee Evans
  65. Stand Up For Comic Relief
  66. The Stand Up Show
  67. Stand Up With Alan Davies
  68. Stanley Baxter's Christmas Hamper
  69. The Stanley Baxter Show
  70. Stanley Baxter's Picture Annual
  71. Starting Out
  72. State Of The Union (1968)
  73. Static
  74. The Status Symbol
  75. Steptoe And Son
  76. Stevens & McCarthy
  77. Stiff Upper Lip (1968)
  78. Still Game
  79. Still Open All Hours
  80. Stop/Start
  81. The Story Of Dibley
  82. The Story Of Only Fools And Horses
  83. Streets Apart
  84. Strictly T-T
  85. Sugartown
  86. Summer Comedy Hour
  87. Sunshine
  88. The Sun Trap
  89. SunTrap
  90. Sweet Sixteen
  91. Sykes
  92. Sykes And A...
  93. Sykes And A Big, Big Show

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