British Comedy Guide

Lame Ducks

  • TV sitcom
  • BBC Two
  • 1984 - 1985
  • 12 episodes (2 series)

After a serious accident and a divorce, Brian Drake decides to start a new life as a hermit - but soon picks up a brand new 'family'. Stars John Duttine, Lorraine Chase, Brian Murphy, Tony Millan, Patric Turner and more.


Key cast & crew credits

John Duttine Brian Drake
Lorraine Chase Angie
Brian Murphy Ansell
Tony Millan Maurice
Patric Turner Tommy
Primi Townsend Mrs. Drake (Series 1)
Cyd Hayman Mrs. Kelly
Writing team
Peter J Hammond Writer
Production team
John B Hobbs Director
John B Hobbs Producer
Nigel Curzon Production Designer
Barrie Sedwell Costume Designer
Shaunna Harrison Make-up Designer (Series 1)
Diana Roberts Make-up Designer (Series 2)
Henry Barber Lighting Designer
Eric Wallis Lighting Designer (Series 1)
Ronnie Hazlehurst Composer
Laurence Henry Graphics

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